Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cards

Each year I send out about 100 Christmas cards. I love this part of the holidays. It's such an easy way to keep in touch with family and friends. I like to let those folks who mean alot to the family that even though we may not see them or talk to them on a regular basis, we are thinking of them. I love getting Christmas cards, too.

Over the past few years, the amount of cards we receive has been fewer and fewer. It seems people are not wanting to spend the money on sending Christmas cards. This makes me sad. Are we turning into such a materialistic society that we'd rather buy one more video game than send cards out? You can send 100 cards for less than what the hottest new video game costs. I realize everyone is cutting back on expenses these days, heck I know we are, but I just won't make Christmas cards one of those cutbacks.

OK. I will get off of my soap box. We did something different this year. The kids have always wanted to send the cards that have a family picture or, as is the case this year, their picture. So, off we went last night to find a suitable place to take a picture. I will plan better for this next year but we did find a nice spot by the bridges in our town.

What do you think? I cropped most of the background out for the card but I think it's a good picture of the two of them.

Our weather is going to be cold this week. I am so glad most of my remaining shopping can be done online. Have a great week!

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